20 September 2012

I Wish...

Deep inside my heart, I wish someday we will have a little space there that we can call HOME. It is not that I'm not grateful of what we have now, but having a house is everyone's dream, right? Including us. I'm happy with our life right now but it would be better if I could live besides you. But I know we have to wait and until the day come, we have to keep our excitement about living together by ourselves. Pray hard.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan. Ameen.


wifemdnavy said...

perlahan2 la kayuh.. tak sabar kalu.. punca2 hilang keserian hidup rumahtangga yg baru dibina.. sbb.. stress dengan kehendak bukan keperluan

Suraya Nordin said...

thanks for the advice sis :)

Azizah green line said...

sabar k syg~ jijah pun berharap sgt macam ni.. sampai masa nanti InsyaAllah dapat bersama suami :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, very professional high level blog! thank you for sharing. Because of good writing, and I learned a lot, and I am glad to see such a beautiful thing. Sorry for my bad English. ?

ayut said...

me tooo....insya Allah boleh.bt pelan2 ye :)