you are currently reading a novel, the famous best seller one, 98.9% read-almost finish, and suddenly you have urgent call, you pack all your belonging except THE F***ING NOVEL!!!
I already at our home (KL) when I realized that I left my novel at home. So here we were traveled from KL-Kota Kinabalu-KL with my mind still on the novel, guessing what would be the resolution? How Aibileen is going to coop with the society? How about Miss Skeeter? What happen to Minny? I'm dead curious to know!!! Arghh!!! I feel like going to the bookstore, sit there and finish my reading! But it was impossible since my MIL condition was not really good at that moment. I threw my curiousity away and just focus on my family. (Believe me that was the hardest things to do since I was so eager about it!)
I loathe that disgusting feeling! After few days, I managed to go back to my hometown, found the novel and continue reading. But the excitement wasn't the same! I am very disappointed.
~Sobbing on my comfy bed~
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5 years ago
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